What’s the proper Kubernetes health check for a Kafka Streams application?

Jaroslaw Kijanowski
SoftwareMill Tech Blog
6 min readMay 27, 2019


When you grass your cattle you typically configure a health check to keep your herd alive. A very common livenessProbe is about doing a GET request to an endpoint and if the service replies with a two hundred, then we’re fine, otherwise the pod is destroyed and a new one is brought to live:

With Kafka Streams it’s not that straightforward. A basic streams application reads data from a topic, performs transformations and puts it back into another topic. In particular, it does not expose any information about its health.

Let’s go through a few possibilities, none of which is perfect, to pick up the best suited for your case. If you have other or better ideas, feel free to comment, I’d be more than happy to extend this post.

1. Create a dedicated HTTP endpoint

This sounds pretty easy. Along with your Kafka Streams app run a Java HTTP Server, which exposes a health-check endpoint to report the streams state:

Then configure the streams app accordingly:

This works just fine. If the stream is running, which means its state is either RUNNING or REBALANCING, the app will reply with a 200 response code and Kubernetes won’t touch the pod. In case of a failure, the pod will be re-instantiated.

The drawback of this approach is including an HTTP server in each Kafka Streams application.

2) JMX based health check — 1st attempt

The Kafka Streams application exposes metrics via JMX if started with the following params:

When you connect with Java Monitoring & Management Console a.k.a. jconsole, you’ll get access to a couple of metrics:

Using jconsole to connect to the MBean Server exposed by the Kafka Streams application

No, unfortunately we’re not done, since the status of the app is not among them 🙈.

One workaround is to monitor the count metric in the kafka.streams:type=kafka-metrics-count object. If it is higher than 1.0, then I assume the stream is running:

count metric for a healthy stream

We’ve figured out, that when the stream dies, the value for count is 1.0:

count metric for a dead stream

How can we build a health check around this knowledge? Kubernetes allows to run a shell command which when finishes successfully, exits with 0, treats that app as healthy. To read MBeans we can use Jmxterm which is available for download. It can run in non-interactive mode reading a particular MBean attribute — that’s exactly our case. The command for the health check looks like this:

The healthcheck.sh script contains one command:

This approach has drawbacks: we need to provide the jmxterm jar file as well as the script file in the Kubernetes pod. Let’s try to get rid of the script first.

3) JMX based health check — 2nd attempt

Since we only require to know one particular metric, I’ve written a dedicated Java app, which can be downloaded from here. If the value of the count attribute is 1.0 it throws an exception and finishes with a non-zero exit code.
The health check command is no longer complex and can be typed directly in the command section:

Still the jar file needs to be a part of the pod. If you’re not happy to do that, let’s explore another solution:

4) Man does not live by health check alone

It may not always be desired to kill the bad pod and start a new one if a stream dies. It depends on the failure the stream encountered. Instead of reviving the pod in an automated fashion, you may want to receive an alert, that the app is no longer running and fix the issues manually before starting the app again.

Kubernetes defines a quite common pattern called sidecar. You create a pod which consists of the main container, the Kafka Streams application, and an accompaniment, a jmx exporter application. The official helm charts shipped by Confluent follow this style. The Kafka broker, Schema Registry, Rest Proxy, KSQL — all of these have a jmx exporter on the side. Just take a look at this deployment descriptor configuring the prometheus-jmx-exporter container on the side of the main container running KSQL.

The benefits are that we follow a kind of a standard approach. Finally we do have more metrics to look into.

However having a sidecar means, we need to provide additional resources and budget for the additional container— one for every Kafka Streams app.

With a sidecar in our Kafka Streams application we may no longer need a health check. The benefit of relying just on metrics and alerts and abandon health checks is that we don’t clutter our Kafka Streams application container with additional jar files.

There are no free lunches in life! We have to configure a monitoring system and alerts notifying us, when the Kafka Streams app dies — we need to go deeper 🕳️.

Adding a sidecar container

First — let’s configure the Kafka Streams application to be run inside a docker container. As already mentioned we also need to pass a few com.sun.management.jmxremote JVM arguments to expose JMX MBeans. Since it’s a good idea to automate the building and publishing of a docker image, let’s use a great gradle plugin and configure the docker image and the application itself in the build.gradle file:

Please note — there is no need to set the java.rmi.server.hostname property since inside the pod, containers share their network namespaces and communicate with each other using localhost. This simplifies things a lot.

Now it’s time for the jmx exporter sidecar. It needs a configuration file. A good practice is to decouple the application and its configuration. In Kubernetes there is a dedicated object for this — the ConfigMap:

It’s a very basic example — the jmx exporter will connect to the Kafka Streams application at localhost on port 5555 and read all metrics. It’s important to use the same port as in the main application configuration.

When the ConfigMap is created on Kubernetes we can consume it within a deployment by mounting it as a volume:

The last step is to add the sidecar container to the pod:

and expose it using a Kubernetes Service:

We recommend to use Prometheus Operator within a Kubernetes instance. Then you can configure a ServiceMonitor to add the jmx exporter as a target for the Prometheus instance automatically:

Once Prometheus reads the metrics we can create alerts and configure an alert manager to send the required notifications using a communication channel of your choice: Slack or text messaging seems to be a good idea.

Again, Prometheus Operator simplifies things a lot. All we have to do is to create a Kubernetes object of kind PrometheusRule:

The expr field defines the alert trigger. In this example it will fire, if all the kafka_streams_kafka_metrics_count_count metrics for all jobs are 1. As mentioned earlier, we assume that in such a case the stream is dead.

As already said, besides alerts we have the Kafka Streams application metrics in Prometheus and we can visualize them with Grafana:

Have your cake and eat it, too

Having both, the metrics as well as a health check, we can keep the self healing features of a Kubernetes pod and be notified, if reviving fails continuously.

When the application dies because of data mismatch, we could be notified after the third attempt, that the app won’t run without our intervention.

Nuff said

Monitoring Kafka Streams applications turned out not to be trivial. You need to decide, if viewing metrics and possibly defining alerts will satisfy your SLA requirements. In some cases a restart performed in an automated fashion is required and this is where the livenessProbe feature kicks in. Finally mixing both approaches should provide most confidence in respect of your application’s availability and health.

This post was written together with Grzegorz Kocur, our Kubernetes expert at SoftwareMill.

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Java consultant having experience with the Kafka ecosystem, Cassandra as well as GCP and AWS cloud providers. https://pl.linkedin.com/in/jaroslawkijanowski